“Frivillig vern” assignment and deer stew

After the beautiful field trip around Vestfold, we finished off our first module with an group assignment. It was a 30 page essay discussing the topic of “Frivillig Vern” (Volunteered conservation), a government lead, legal phenomenon in Norway where land owners (mostly of forest) are encouraged to volunteer and donate their land to the government…

first visit to NMBU

So as you might be able to tell I’ve moved to Oslo because I did indeed get accepted for the masters at NMBU! I’m so happy I did, I honestly don’t think there are any other master programmes suitable for me and my interests. After a good year of working out what I like and…

Bergen to Oslo

As you probably can tell (since it’s been ghostly quiet on my blog for over a month now), life has been overwhelmengly hectic this last month. In mid-August I packed up my things, loaded it into my car and headed off over the mountains to the capital. Earlier this year I applied for a masters…


If you asked me a year ago if I had any sentiment towards courgettes I would have given you an answer of indifference. But after this summer I have bit the courgettemania bug. As you already know, I have attempted to grow some vegetables this summer, and the courgettes were by far the most exciting…